I keep hearing that line from the
David Bowie song in my head that says
"Turn and face the strain, ch-ch-changes...
Just gonna have to be a different man,
Time may change me, But I can't trace time"
They still use it in tons of tv commercials,
so even if you're a bit younger than me
you've probably heard a little of it.
In 15 days my son leaves for Marine Bootcamp, hopefully the $40,000 worth of damage repairs begin finally on our home that have created a bit of unbalance lately, one door I had been wondering about regarding my future has finally closed completely it seems, another door will either swing open or slam shut very shortly I feel, and a personal relationship will either become better than its been in years or deteriorate even more all within the span of one conversation to come soon.
And of course there in the unknown of what tomorrow in itself brings :)
But at the same time I feel the excitement in times like these.
In the pit of my stomach where my flesh battles with uneasiness, where I want to quiet the churning by reciting and singing the familiar songs whose words I know by heart, I also feel the huge wispy wings of the butterflies fluttering against one another that I get when I'm expecting something new, and good, and different, and a sudden peaked interest rises to learn songs with words I don't yet know.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is with you,
He is might to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
I think I'm gonna choose to let Him teach me the lyrics of those new songs He wrote for me before the beginning of time, and that He's singing over me at this very moment. In fact I wanna learn them so I can sing them with Him - at the top of my lungs!
Joyful on the Journey