Then we headed toward Sweetwater after a delicious meal at Back Yard Burgers and ended up on the Cherohala Skyway which runs from Tellico Plains to almost Robbins NC (check out the visitors center as you get on - the ladies that work there were so friendly!). When it ended about 52 miles later we ate in Robbinsville at the Smoey Mountain Restaurant (yum) then headed up 129 through The Dragon (Fontana Dam area)towards the back side of Maryville. The Dragon being a famous place for motorcycle riding never disappoints even when you're in a car. There were many great bikes, and watching people ride there is pretty darn exciting.
But I have to tell you - the Cherohala Skyway was gorgeous! In places it was if the mountains went farther than the eye could see once we were at some of the highest overlooks... just rows after rows of mounatins. Dead silence but for the wind blowing, sweet smells of blooms on the blackberry briars nearby, the mountain laurel, and things we couldn't even see... it was such a clean fragrance wafting on the breeze...
There is the Joyce Kilmer Forest (trees almost as big as redwoods if you hike a special trail there), Bald River Falls (150 foot drop) that you can literally drive by and see without having to even get out of your car, campgrounds, picnic areas, and more.
The best thing? Just talking, laughing, and seeing Gods wonderful creation!
Take a drive every now and then...
Here's a picuture below from the drive - just click here to be taken to my Love89 page where you can see a flipbook photo album of all of them!