Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Am I Determined or Defiled?

Matthew 15: 16-18 says:
“Don’t you understand yet?” Jesus asked. “Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what can defile you.

Who I am isn't determined by what legalistic traditions I keep, or by what I do that only shows I hold or subscribe to this or that behavior or habit... I am determined to be His and about His work only by the way I am seen and known to love and treat another.

No amount of quiet times, devotions read, praying at the altar on Sunday, or giving money to a need can replace life change, getting to the heart of someone, loving them where they are, helping them reach a higher place of joy, making their messiness yours where you can, and just being kind in our accounting of one another.

I don't think that God is so much interested in the 'good girl' in me. I think He wants the me that errors but knows His voice and is ready then to repent and try again. I believe He wants the me that can be used in the dirty places. But not just in locations, also in the dirtiness of the heart - mine and the one I am to serve. I know He wants to use me to flavor the world, and He wants to be glorified in how I speak and love another.

Lord let my words set about a burning to know you, not one that destroys. And help me love well. 
Call me out to truly seek the heart, and speak life and hope into it.

Joyful on the Journey

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Claiming The Day!

A friend of mine last night mentioned as we left each others company that she had been nasty to her grandchild that day and that God had pulled her up short, had convicted her of that. She is one of those women that you can easily think probably had never even raised her voice in front of anyone, and I'm sure her idea of being "nasty" is no where near what mine is :)
As I drove away her words echoed. But it wasn't her slight indiscretion that was on my mind, it was what I let that do to me.
See, I noticed at her mention of her experience with her grandchild how quickly the 'guilt' of my day tried to rise up in me again. I messed up many times that day. In thought. In deed. And my God had convicted me. Gave the chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. And I had. So why let that roll me over now?
Isn't that just like the enemy? And I have bought in hook line and sinker over and over to his lies.

Isn't that just like me? I've even become very adept over the years of creating my own voices so the enemy usually can just walk away and leave me alone to my own devices.
I am very good at letting my mind attempt its own destruction of my joy and my faith and belief of who God says I really am.
Fact - if I have repented and asked for forgiveness its done. Its gone.
Is there a need to understand and respect and honor the level of  the depth of God's mercy and grace? Oh my Yes.
But is there a need to continue to feel guilty? Oh friend, no. There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus!
Is the blood so freely given and still flowing on Calvary in our heart not enough?!
So my vow as I move through this day? To believe and walk out the truth of Romans 8:33-34...
“Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one — for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one — for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.”

I am sought, chosen, bought, loved, refined, claimed, held, adored, treasured, pleaded for, forgiven, covered, made righteous and holy by Jesus, and no one can change that - not even me!

I think I'm gonna claim this day for victory... you?

Joyful on the Journey,