Saturday, September 27, 2008

So its been awhile...

I haven't written in some time - sorry. But I think I have just been contemplating all going on around me...

Earlier I went to California with Compassion International, saw some of God's creation I never have before, and heard Donald Miller speak for three days... both gave me a lot to consider.
Then I was sick. That gave me time alone to reflect on all I had just returned from, learned, been challenged by, and I also finished reading The Shack... WOW! Again, a lot to consider.
I'm also reading Un-Christian... even more to be challenged by and consider.
He is working on me again. I'm in a time of growth already again... Exhilarating!
Then Sharathon was upon us at Love89.1FM. The first time in years we haven't made the goal by the end of the third day. It's a tough time right now economically speaking and we were not taken by surprise. Neither was God. The stories that have come out of sharathon are mind blowing. The listeners that responded were mind blowing. We are blessed to say the least.
The calls/emails I took personally... of women in abusive relationships turning to us for comfort and advice. Of single parents struggling emotionally and financially and just needing to let us know they are sacrificially supporting us again this year because we are their lifeline to encouragement and hope. The families that have been restored because of His conviction through songs, programming and messages heard daily that broke through the fog of doubt and confusion. We can never underestimate our Jesus (song there somewhere) and how the Holy Spirit uses what God ordains to draw those who need Him closer to Him. Even those who have accepted Him into their lives for the first time!
I will never get used to the idea that I get to walk into the studio each Monday thru Friday morning and greet those who tune in simply looking for a certain song, a certain word, a laugh, a smile, or someone to cry or pray with them... I get to witness God literally creating relationships, change lives, bring hearts together, and at the same time - I get to be changed by it myself.... My God is truly beautiful, crazy beautiful and totally amazing... there are no words...

1 comment:

Breathing In Grace said...

Marissa..I love listening to you in the mornings. I heard you last week when you could barely talk. Hope you are feeling lots better by now. I read The Shack, too...wasn't it amazing!!! It gave me a whole new perspective on The Trinity...don't care what the critics say about it...I LOVED IT!!! Keep up the wonderful work you're doing for the Lord. If you get a chance, check out my blog!!